How I Met Your Mother News

How I Met Your Mother Review: Significant Mothers

How I Met Your Mother Review: Significant Mothers

This week on How I Met Your Mother, Marshall tried to bring sexy back to his relationship with Lily, while Barney just wanted Nora's sex. Read about how both faced some unforeseen issues and why there was no triple connection for Robin, Ted and Kevin in our review.
Posted in: HIMYM
How I Met Your Mother Review: Mystery vs. History

How I Met Your Mother Review: Mystery vs. History

Ted and the gang debate the pros and cons of Mystery versus History when Ted decides to go on a true blind date. Did his friends help or hinder his big date? Read about the answer and Marshall and Lily's big revelation in our review.
Posted in: Reviews
How I Met Your Mother Review: Yes, It's Creepy

How I Met Your Mother Review: Yes, It's Creepy

Barney thinks Nora is lying to him about her age. Will this spell disaster for their relationship and what did the gang think about Robin dating her therapist. Find out in our How I Met Your Mother review.
Posted in: Reviews
How I Met Your Mother Review: "The Stinson Missile Crisis"

How I Met Your Mother Review: "The Stinson Missile Crisis"

Robin was able to trade jail time cell for the therapist's couch while Lily wished someone would put Ted in solitary. What unleashed Robin's fists of fury and why was Lily a little more than "just a little bit" mad at Ted? Read all bout it in our How I Met Your Mother review.
Posted in: Reviews
How I Met Your Mother Review: "Ducky Tie"

How I Met Your Mother Review: "Ducky Tie"

Over dinner Ted recounts his night with Victoria, while a surly Stinson pushes Marshall to write a check Lily's body can't cash. Or can she? Find out the answer and more in this week's How I Met Your Mother review.
Posted in: Reviews
How I Met Your Mother Review: "The Naked Truth"

How I Met Your Mother Review: "The Naked Truth"

Ted's magazine cover lands him on dates with two girls, and realizes what he truly wants. Barney comes clean with Nora about his past lies, but was it enough to win a second chance with her? Meanwhile Marshall discovers some internet footage that may put his dream job in jeopardy. Will his internet alter ego cost him his dream job? Find out in our review.
Posted in: Reviews