"July 6, 2009"

Randi tells Henry that she did as he asked. She now wants him to drop the charges against Kendall as promised. He's astounded that he w...

"January 12, 2009"

Krystal warns Tad that JR's been drinking, and JR asks what Babe would think of Krystal. He claims that she and David are the hottest co...

"July 9, 2009"

David confesses to Krystal that he misses her. As they talk, he's distracted by the sound of a baby crying. He approaches Liza's baby carriage.She insists ...

"September 8, 2009"

Kendall boasts to Zach and Jesse that Emma is the key to finding proof that Annie killed Stuart. Erica's producer advises her that while her piece on frica...

"October 6, 2009"

Jesse explains to James that his son is transferring Madison to Oak Haven for treatment. After swerving off the road and into a tree to avoid an accident, ...

"February 6, 2009"

Jesse finds the bag in David's piano. Krystal guesses that Tad had something to do with this and was working with Jesse. Denying it, Je...

"September 10, 2009"

Talking about their kiss, Scott assures Annie that he's not moving out. David agrees to keep the baby named Trevor and not David Jr.David warns Amanda that...

"October 22, 2009"

Adam reacts to Marissa's claim that she and JR love each other. Marissa and JR then meet David for dinner and stun him with the news that they wed. David s...

"July 15, 2009"

Test results show David is not the father of Liza's baby. Stunned, he guesses the fix is in. Marissa dares him to care about his daughter. David apologizes...

"May 11, 2009"

Scott finds Dr. Chapelle hanging from his ceiling and calls 911. Later, he stands by as JR lies to Jesse about the "negotiations" invol...

All My Children Quotes

Greenlee Smythe Lavery: Just - I tried to remember when we weren't stressed to the max. Our honeymoon may have been the best time ever. I was just hoping that maybe tonight we could feel like that for just a few hours, let you remember how much I love you, how happy I am that I'm your wife, just like that night.
Ryan Lavery: Come here.
Greenlee Smythe Lavery: What? What are you...
Ryan Lavery: I remember everything. I remember it was going to be the first time that we made love as husband and wife. And I remember thinking to myself that my bullet wound was easy compared to waiting to make love to you. I wanted you so bad. I want you now. I want you right now.

Ryan: Do you feel that?
Gillian: Your heartbeat.
Ryan: OUR heartbeat.