13 Best Vacation Episodes on TV

Who doesn't need a vacation? Even our favorite TV characters are in need of a break now and then. Check out the 13 best vacation episodes on TV.

15 Characters Who Might As Well Be Your Mom

There's always that person in the squad who takes on motherly qualities and oversees their fellow friends like baby birds in the nest. Who are they?

25 Top Network Ratings Darlings from 2015-16 TV Season

The stats are in! What scripted series (nope, we don't care that football was number one) topped the ratings during the 2015-16 season? Find out now!

13 Memorable Bachelor and Bachelorette Parties

Bachelor and bachelorette parties rarely go as planned on our favorite television shows. Check out the most memorable (and terrible) parties below!

The Big Bang Theory Photo Preview: Meet Leonard's Dad!

On The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 24, Penny tries to plan a wedding ceremony, and Leonard's dad comes to visit. Check out these photos for a sneak peek!

13 Best Guest Appearances on TV

You may have seen them elsewhere, but these actors made an impression we won't soon forget. Check out these 13 best guest appearances on TV.

Quotables for Week Ending April 22, 2016

The best quotes for the week ending April 22, 2016, are coming at you! We let the characters do the talking on our behalf once a week. Find out what they have to say!

11 Characters Who Desperately Want to Save the World

Come celebrate Earth Day with these 11 television characters who really care about the environment! Scroll through the slideshow for our picks!

Quotables from Week Ending April 8, 2016

We have quotes this week that drop pop culture references to Blake Lively, Robocop, Skinemax (woowoo) and Santana - and that's just by Tuesday! Read on!

13 TV Wedding Receptions We Wish We'd Crashed

What's better than the love of two favorite characters? The party that comes with it! Here's a list of wedding receptions we wish we'd been invited to!

15 Times Characters Were Treated Like Fools

TV characters have pulled off some pretty elaborate pranks over the years, so we thought we'd compile a list of our favorites! Check out our picks and let us know yours!

Season Finale Schedule: When Will Shows End?

When does your favorite show end? We know you don't want it to end at all, but better than you know when it does right? Here's a handy schedule!

TBBT Quotes

Oh, Bernadette, please play my clarinet.

Raj's poem

Sheldon: I'll have a diet Coke.
Penny: Can you please order a cocktail? I need to practice mixing drinks.
Sheldon: Fine... I'll have a virgin Cuba Libre.
Penny: That's... rum and Coke without the rum.
Sheldon: Yes, and would you make it diet?