TV Fanatics Count their Blessings

We at TV Fanatic are counting our blessings this Thanksgiving for all things television! Find out what we hold most dear and share yours with us.

Quotables from Week Ending November 12, 2015

What wisecracks turned our heads for the week ending Thursday, November 12, 2015? Or was it a dramatic clause? Find out when you scroll through our Quotables!

Quotables for the Week Ending Nov. 5, 2016

Hooray! It's time to revel in more quotable moments in the world of television! Who knocked our socks off this week? Scroll through to find out!

Quotables for Week of October 29, 2015

Check out our most quotable moments for the week ending October 29, 2015. What made the list? The only way to find out is to scroll through.

21 Devilishly Sexy Disguises

It's Sexy Saturday AND Halloween so here at TV Fanatic we thought what better way to combine the two than with TV characters in sexy costumes?

19 Ghoulishly Great Halloween Parties

It's not just ghouls and goblins. Halloween also has cool costumes, broken hearts, and first kisses. Check out the 19 most memorable Halloween parties on TV.

Quotables for the Week Ending October 22, 2015

It's that time again! What quotes made us stop in our tracks for the week ending October 22, 2015? Well, scroll through our photo gallery to find out!

Quotables for Week Ending October 15, 2015

What are television's most quotable moments for the week ending Thursday, October 15, 2015? Look no further, because we have them right here!

27 Smooth Sailing TV 'Ships

These 27 couples show us that it is possible to have a great love story on television without all of that unnecessary drama. Isn't that refreshing?!?

11 Pilot Episodes That Helped Current Hit Shows Fly High

The following shows are all huge hits. But how did they get there? Let's take a look back at their series premieres, shall we?

17 Characters Who Look Hot When Wet

Check out our picks of these 17 TV characters who are literally dripping with sexiness. Who needs an umbrella when water can do such wonders?

23 Most Captivating Contests in TV History

Check out these photos of TV characters who let their competitve sides get the best of them. The stakes are high, so place your bets and join the fun!

TBBT Quotes

Oh, Bernadette, please play my clarinet.

Raj's poem

Sheldon: I'll have a diet Coke.
Penny: Can you please order a cocktail? I need to practice mixing drinks.
Sheldon: Fine... I'll have a virgin Cuba Libre.
Penny: That's... rum and Coke without the rum.
Sheldon: Yes, and would you make it diet?