17 TV Friendships That Turned Romantic Over Time

Getting to see TV friendships grow over time into something romantic is an underrated trope that deserves more love because of how adorable the journey always is.

19 Seemingly Cute Couples that Went Downhill

They may have started out cute, but sometimes even the best things in life can get old. What are some couples you used to love but now just can't stand?

17 TV Singles We Would Like To Date

In honor of Singles Awareness Day, there is nothing like showing appreciation for the single TV characters that we would love to date ourselves.

31 Characters Who Surprised Us With Their Amazing Vocals

We all wished we were one of those people who secretly had a phenomenal singing voice, but we aren't. These 31 characters, on the other hand, would crush you at karaoke!

23 Fantastical Characters and Shows That Need Them!!

From the mundane to the absolutely bonkers, ancient literature is full of fascinating characters that will elevate any show. Here are 23 of our best picks!!

27 Wholesome Characters Who Deserve the World

Some characters are just so pure we want them to have everything they could wish for and more. Here are 27 wholesome characters who deserve just that.

17 Shows That Were Rocked With A Pregnancy Plot Twist

There is nothing like a pregnancy to really shake things up on a show, which is exactly why this has become more of a common plot twist lately. These are our favorites!

23 TV Shows You MUST Watch This Season

It's the time of year when every show you have ever dreamed about that isn't already on TV will be, so check out our list of what you want to watch next.

Quotables for Week Ending April 15, 2016

April 15th often gets a bad rap as tax day in the US, but not this year! And ending our quotables on the day makes it even better. Read on for what's in store!

Quotables from Week Ending April 8, 2016

We have quotes this week that drop pop culture references to Blake Lively, Robocop, Skinemax (woowoo) and Santana - and that's just by Tuesday! Read on!

Quotables for Week Ending March 18, 2016

It's the best day of the week! We have quotes. Hold onto your hats, guys, because we have some great one for you. Who won the coveted top four positions?

Quotables for Week Ending March 11, 2016

We're adding a day to this week and moving quotables to Saturday! They snark and wisdom will be just the same. Who said it best this week? Find out!

The Magicians Quotes

Dean: Snuck a box of Oreos.
Quentin: Magicians can't eat Oreos?
Dean: Diabetics can't eat Oreos.

I can't just go to Yale if I know this place exists.
