13 TV Characters Who Never Got a Funeral (And Should Have)

There are some characters who weren't done justice in life or death. Which TV characters' funerals do you wish the audience had gotten to see?

19 Underappreciated TV Moms Who Deserve More Credit

This Mother's Day we've decided to give some love to the television moms who need it. Check out 19 television mothers who deserve more recognition!

21 Characters Who Carried the Show on Their Backs

The weight of an entire show is a lot to carry, but someone needs to do it. We put together a list of characters who singlehandedly kept the audience's attention.

13 Male and Female Friendships That Are Strictly Platonic

The notion that a girl and guy can't be friends without it turning romantic is incorrect. In fact, we put together a list of 13 examples to prove it.

11 Characters Who Accidentally Cheated on Their Partner

How can you accidentally cheat on your significant other? Television has proven that it's more likely than you would think. Check out 11 characters who did the deed.

17 Chilling TV Shows You Should Watch With the Lights On

Is it ever the wrong time to watch a scary show? We've created a list of 17 chilling series that you'll want to make sure you watch in broad daylight.

19 Insignificant Relationships We Barely Remember

Do you know those characters who show up for a quick romance and are never seen again after it's over? Honestly, we often forget that the relationship ever happened.

13 TV Characters Who Should Take a Vow of Silence

Not all TV characters need to talk all the time, in fact, there are a few that we would really appreciate hearing less of at least for a small while.

23 Seemingly Unlikable Characters Who Won Our Hearts

Do you ever start a show absolutely hating a character and then a season later wonder how you could hate someone so perfect? Here are 23 times it happened to us!

23 Ships Almost Everyone Can Agree On

No matter what fandom you're in, people are always going to like different things. Mostly. We put together a list of ships that are universally loved by fans!

21 Times TV 'Ships Broke Our Hearts

Has your favorite TV couple ever gone through so much angst you felt like you were going through all the pain with them? Here's 21 times it happened to us.

19 Ladies Let Down By Their Own TV Shows

Several fictional TV ladies should be thriving but instead, there seem to be questions about whether their own shows are letting them down along the way.