17 TV Characters Who Turned to the Darkside

The darkside is a powerful force. Even characters with the best intentions will shed the cloak of good for the cloak of evil. Here are 17 of them.

23 Fictional TV Royals For Whom We Would Bend the Knee

It takes more than a pedigree to rule others. We take a look at the titled individuals who have commanded respect or seized power over land, league, or legion.

19 Women on TV That Deserve Our Appreciation

In honor of International Women's Day, there are plenty of female characters on our favorite shows that might deserve an extra dose of appreciation right about now.

19 TV Characters Who Would Stab You In The Back

Watch yourself around these TV characters because you never know when one of them will start thinking it is not worth keeping you around anymore.

19 Slowburn TV Ships That Destroyed The Moonlighting Curse

Slowburn ships always run the risk of not being explored or happening too late, and yet there are successful TV ships that prove just how much potential comes from there.

13 Love Stories We're Glad Weren't Told

Some relationships are doomed to go in the wrong direction. Not all stories are meant to be romantic. What's a love story you're glad was shut down before it began?

19 of the Best TV Characters to Mend Your Broken Heart

No one gets through life without suffering heartbreak, but these are the TV characters who would drop everything and do anything to make you feel better.

33 Couples Who Were Robbed of Their Endgame

We all have at least one couple that we know should've ended up together but their shows just did them dirty. Let's all be bitter together. Who was yours?

19 TV Deaths That Made Us Jump For Joy

There are many despicable characters on TV who deserve nothing less than the most unpleasant death. When it finally happens, we can't help but celebrate!

23 "Epic Loves" That are Epic Fails

Relationships aren't always as beautiful as they may seem. Check out 23 "epic" couples who never should've been together in the first place!

23 of the Most Enviable TV Hugs EVER!

There is no celebrating National Hugging Day without looking back at all the TV hugs we wish we could have been a part of in some way.

13 Similar TV Ships You Should Take for a Sail

Did you just finish a series? Are you looking for a new ship to ruin your life? Don't worry! We put together an "If you ship this, you'll probably ship that!"