Fringe Review: "6:02 AM EST"

As Walternate turns on the machine in an attempt to destroy our world to save his, both Olivia's fight to stop him. I've waited all season for this development. Read more in the review!
Posted in: Fringe
30 Rock Review: TV Ruined Reputation

30 Rock Review: TV Ruined Reputation

100 episodes of TGS and 100 episodes of 30 Rock. Tracy Jordan and Tracy Morgan are finally back, and everything is gravy. Or is it? Check out the review to see how it all came together.
Posted in: 30 Rock
Bones Review: "The Finder"

Bones Review: "The Finder"

Booth and Brennan took a backseat to a gifted recovery team in Miami during this week's episode. Did "The Finder" earn his nickname? Read this week's review to find out!
Posted in: Bones
Glee Review: "A Night of Neglect"

Glee Review: "A Night of Neglect"

New Directions try to raise funds for their trip to Nationals and plan a benefit concert. Sue forms a team of Glee haters to thwart their efforts. To read up on what unfolded check out our review.
Posted in: Glee
Body of Proof Review: "Dead Man Walking"

Body of Proof Review: "Dead Man Walking"

Megan runs into resistance while investigating the death of a patient at the hospital where she used to work. Ethan becomes personally involved as real life wife Christina Hendricks guest stars as the identical twin of a beautiful corpse.
Posted in: Body of Proof
Hellcats Review: "Woke Up Dead"

Hellcats Review: "Woke Up Dead"

Hellcats returned after a six week hiatus with the Hellcats helping Dan film his zombie short for admissions, Marti searches for answers about her father, and Alice goes undercover. What went down? Find out in our review!
Posted in: Hellcats

Reviews Quotes

Yea, thanks. And by thanks I mean, thank you for deciding that I should age, grow old, and probably die from a paper cut. Oh yea, and that I'll never get to do magic again. Because I'm perfect now! Did Professor Lipson tell you? I'm perfectly normal, and we all know magic doesn't come from normal so thank you for deciding that without me.


"You bring home two bands of hippie murderers…"
