17 Seemingly Romantic Gestures that Fell Flat

Not all romantic gestures cause fireworks. Some inspire dread, horror, boredom and make us wonder how could anyone think these were expressions of true love?

27 Most Annoying TV Characters of 2018

Not every character hit a high note during 2018. We take a look back on all the TV characters who left us annoyed and frustrated. Did yours make the list?

13 Stuttering Shows That Made A Comeback In 2018

Sometimes the right combination of actors and storylines come together and series that had been struggling find a new wind. That's what happened for these shows in 2018.

21 Breakout Characters of 2018

We are taking a look at the biggest breakout characters from 2018. Who stood out among the rest this year? Check out our list and see if you agree!

17 'Ships That Need to Sail in 2019

There are some relationships that just really need to get a move on. With 2018 coming to a close, we listed 17 'ships that need to sail during the new year!

17 Most Politically-Driven Plotlines of 2018

Two thousand eighteen had tons of interesting and intriguing plots and arcs for our favorite shows. Check out the those that focused on political issues of today.

23 Best Cliffhangers of 2018

As 2018 comes to an end, we look back on the best cliffhangers this year brought to us. From potential deaths to ghosts from the past, we have them all!

17 Most Exciting Renewals and Saves of 2018!

As yet another amazing year of television winds down, let's look back on our favorite shows that were given an extra chance to prove they belonged on the air!

29 TV Deaths That Gutted Us in 2018

It's those left behind who suffer and here are 29 times this year where we never thought we'd recover. Find out if your heart was gutted like ours!

17 TV Characters Who Throw Such Good Parties We Need An Invite

Not everyone can throw a good party, but some TV characters are known for throwing parties that are the talk of the town! These are the guest lists we'd be included on.

22 Most Heartwarming Miracles on TV

Miracles happen all year long on TV, offering us hope for our own lives. Here's our list of the most heartwarming miracles on TV. Did your favorite make the list?

45 Characters Getting Coal for Christmas

Naughty or nice? We put together a list of characters that have been so bad this year they deserve nothing more than a lump of coal in their stockings.

The Resident Quotes

She's schizophrenic. She needs to accept it. Please, don't fill her head with a bunch of a false hope.

Mrs. Ravenscroft

Bell: I know, I'm as upset as you are.
Devon: Not a chance. I saw it. I lived it. I'll never forget it.
Mina: Same day we save a mother and son, who by all rights should not have survived, a young healthy woman dies.