Survivor Review: Chess Anyone?

Survivor Review: Chess Anyone?

Alina and Marty try to downplay their role in the game. However, our comparison of this season of Survivor to chess reveals their true place in the game.
Posted in: Survivor
Terriers Review: "Pimp Daddy"

Terriers Review: "Pimp Daddy"

Katie's affair comes back to haunt her in the worst way possible on this episode of Terriers. While the same can be said for Hank's feelings/obsession with Gretchen.
Posted in: Terriers
Sons of Anarchy Review: "Turas"

Sons of Anarchy Review: "Turas"

This week's Sons of Anarchy may not have been an all-time classic, but there were many great moments that made us think - or become really nervous. Read our review of "Turas" now.
Posted in: Sons of Anarchy
Chuck Review: Gasp! Volkoff!

Chuck Review: Gasp! Volkoff!

Timothy Dalton showed up for this solid episode of Chuck. It earned 4.5 stars from our critic and you can find out why now.
Posted in: Chuck
90210 Review: Making Tissues Dance, Viewers Snore

90210 Review: Making Tissues Dance, Viewers Snore

A perfectly mediocre episode of 90210 this week. No real surprises took place on "I See London, I See France," as Teddy continued his confused spiral, Navid made some hilarious jokes and Liam learned more about Laura.
Posted in: 90210
Weeds Review: "Viking Pride"

Weeds Review: "Viking Pride"

More people from Nancy's past pop up this week in "Viking Pride", while Andy continues to work on fake passports. Elsewhere, Silas continues to deal with huge news in his life.
Posted in: Weeds
Boardwalk Empire Review: "Home"

Boardwalk Empire Review: "Home"

The exploration of an existential crisis was the focal point of this week's Boardwalk Empire episode. Read our critic's take on "Home" to see what the heck we're talking about.
Posted in: Boardwalk Empire

Reviews Quotes

Yea, thanks. And by thanks I mean, thank you for deciding that I should age, grow old, and probably die from a paper cut. Oh yea, and that I'll never get to do magic again. Because I'm perfect now! Did Professor Lipson tell you? I'm perfectly normal, and we all know magic doesn't come from normal so thank you for deciding that without me.


"You bring home two bands of hippie murderers…"
